Terms and Conditions
Deconik website rules and regulations
All rights reserved. With the exception of cases permitted under international copyright laws, reproduction, adaptation or translation of all or part of this site is prohibited without obtaining permission from Deconic administrators. All texts, graphics, designs, content and other activities carried out on the site are under our copyright.
Terms and conditions of use:
Welcome to our official website. Use of this site is subject to the terms and conditions stated below. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using the site. By using, accessing or downloading content from this website, you agree to accept the terms and conditions set forth in this legal notice. These terms cover all current and future visits to the website. At any time, these regulations may be revised and updated. Please check this page from time to time for any changes. Please do not use this website if you do not agree with the terms and conditions.
You can browse, download and copy the information and materials on this site for your personal and non-commercial use only. You can also use these materials to support Deconic products in your organization. As a condition of your use of this site, you agree not to alter or modify any of the materials in any way and to retain the copyright and other proprietary rights notices as contained in the original materials on all copies. Save the site. Other than that, other cases of using materials or information are not allowed, and any violation of the above-mentioned cases will be prosecuted.
Ownership of information and content:
The information and all the contents of the website, including official reports, news reports, information forms, product descriptions and frequently asked questions, are under our copyright and any unauthorized use of them is considered a violation of copyright, trademark law and other laws. Other rights not expressly assigned to the user in this notice are reserved for the site.
Trademark information:
Trademarks used on this site may only be used with written permission. All trademarks, trade names and names are the property of their respective owners.Except as expressly set forth in this Legal Notice, the rest of its content shall not be construed or implied as granting any license or assignment of any franchise or monopoly of our or any third party’s trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights.
Links to other sites:
In order to serve users and create facilities, we have included links to other sites on the website. These sites are owned and operated by third parties and we are not responsible for their availability or content. The inclusion of links to third party sites on this website does not imply endorsement of that site or its owner, or any relationship between us and the third party hosting the site.
Feedback and feedback
All comments, feedback, information or materials provided through this site or with it are considered non-confidential and belong to us. By providing these comments, information, feedback or materials, you are actually giving us the right to use, copy, modify, display and distribute these materials for free, and we can unlimitedly reproduce these materials in various titles and forms.
Dekonik Trading Group tries to provide you with useful, correct and up-to-date information. Therefore, we have tried to provide accurate information and content on this site, but we do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of that information or content. At any time, we have the right to change the content of any of the information or materials available on this website or the products described in it without prior notice to the users. However, we do not undertake any obligation to update the information or content of the website and as a result of their being out of date. Information or opinions provided in bulletin board sections or other discussion forums are not necessarily our opinions. NEITHER WE NOR ANY OF OUR DIRECTORS, OPERATORS, DISTRIBUTORS OR OTHER RELATED PERSONS WILL BE LIABLE OR SUBJECT TO ANY DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO INCIDENTAL, PRINCIPAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES), DEFECTS, CLAIMS, OR OTHER We are not responsible for any damages or causes related to or arising out of any information posted to the website. We reserve the right to modify these terms or legal restrictions at any time. You should review this page from time to time to ensure that you agree to the terms and legal restrictions that may be added or changed later. The legal validity of this notice remains in force unless certain restrictions are expressly canceled or replaced by another legal notice on certain pages of this website.
All information and content on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied, and as is, and all warranties of any kind, express or implied, include warranty of merchantability, warranty of specific use, non-infringement of intellectual property rights. Also, the use or incomplete commercial and commercial transactions deprives itself of these rights. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES FOR ALL DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PRINCIPAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF REVENUE, LOSS OF DATA, OR MARKET SUSPENSION) ARISING FROM THE USE, INABILITY TO USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THIS SITE , the sites linked to it, or the content and information available on any of these sites, according to the contract or civil liability or any other legal theory, and even if we are aware of the possibility of such damages, we bear no responsibility. If the use of the content or information on this website requires any service, repair or modification of equipment or information, you hereby agree to bear all costs thereof.
End of use:
This website can terminate or suspend your access to all or part of it, including and not limited to, any of the bulletin boards, etc., for any reason, including violation of the terms and conditions of this contract, and solely at its discretion. took off In this case, the existing restrictions regarding the contents of the site, statements and guarantees, compensations and limitation of liability, which are declared in this contract, should remain in force until the moment of access.
Governing law, jurisdiction and competent court:
This contract, regardless of the choice of its legal basis, is subject to the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran and can be drafted and reviewed according to it. Special courts must have exclusive jurisdiction and specific procedures regarding disputes arising from this contract or related to any of its clauses, in which case possible lawsuits can be filed in the jurisdiction and according to the procedures of the said court. Was.
General regulations:
If any of the provisions of this contract is invalidated, deemed illegal or cannot be implemented for any other reason, it is necessary to separate the said provisions from this contract, but the other terms and conditions will remain in force. This rule constitutes the entire agreement between us and you in connection with the use of the site, and no changes to its contents may be made unless in writing signed by both parties.